
Corporate Responsibility

We believe in adopting responsible engineering tasks that create positive change in our client’s businesses. We wish to contribute to the community in which we operate in a meaningful and positive way.

Commitment and Programs

we have designed several machines, parts and assemblies for different industries.

Our main task in the last decades is to evaluate the structural integrity of the mechanical systems to increase the life cycle. We  are experts in a wide range of numerical software and our customers can take advantages of our computaional skills.


Using our expertise in technology, our education programs and partnerships aim to improve the knowledge base of students worldwide. Our seamless and borderless approach has made positive changes within the IT sector globally.


Our commitment to its communities extends to the sustainability of the environment. We invest in many green initiatives that result in direct energy-savings and carbon-footprint reduction practices. (In 2015, we partnered with CF)


We encourage social innovation and jumpstart collaboration among the tech community to provide solutions to specific local needs. We are committed to disrupting for good to impact our communities in a positive way.

Corporate Responsibility Report

During last decades we saved more than million dollars for our customers by life prediction of their system, preparation of control monitoring protocols and proposing different test rigs for testing their products.