analysis of shock tower 6f1ce0cf-4b2e-4f7e-a96f-f9269e7bddee

analysis of shock tower

Ratcheting effect and root cause failure analysis of shock tower
manifold system 5c29f888-7a4d-4937-8aac-f65296152ac5

manifold system

Thermo mechanical analysis of manifold system
Naval equipments 546184fe-08a3-4753-81b8-bb2acd43cc06

Naval equipments

Fluid solid interaction analysis of naval equipments
universal joint 4bee451f-adcf-4a93-9515-2ed878015818

universal joint

Design and fabrication of a modular universal joint
slipways gateway for a dam 4cdb28b6-e77b-41da-bc6e-ec64f6bada4b

slipways gateway for a dam

Flood and seismic analysis of slipways gateway for a dam in South of Iran.
locomotive chassis c6b688d6-c06e-49bd-9a8e-4df4d7c20268

locomotive chassis

Redesign and optimisation of a locomotive chassis.
Naval fender 9b6fba7a-c3f6-45f2-b13c-27daae27e148

Naval fender

Design and fabrication of naval fenders in different sizes and shapes.